New monetary policy on Thursday

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, Jan 11 2016 11:38 am

Bangladesh Bank (BB) will unveil the Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for the second half of the current 2015-16 financial year (FY16) on Thursday (January 14).

Confirming the matter, BB General Manager AFM Asaduzzaman on Sunday said that Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman will announce the MPS at the central bank headquarters at 11 am, BSS reports. 

BB Chief Economist Biru Paksha Paul said, "We are going to launch a new monetary policy on January 14."

He added that the monetary policy is being prepared to place special importance on various sectors to help accelerate the growth and investment. 

"The central bank is also reviewing the challenges that the MPS should address in managing inflation while propelling the economy towards achieving higher growth," Paul said.

The central bank on July 30 last year unveiled the MPS for the first half of the FY16 when Dr Atiur made it clear that the MPS would pursue cautious stance in credit expansion to keep inflation at a comfortable level.

In the MPS, BB projected 15.0 percent credit growth to private sector while the overall domestic credit growth was targeted at 16.3 percent. The projections were higher than the preceding year's actual domestic credit growth of 10.4 percent and private sector credit growth of 13.6 percent.

The governor said that pumping in excessive liquidity in absence of proper infrastructure and other "well-known investment impediments" would only shoot up inflation and worsen social inequity by promoting unproductive activities.

The next MPS would maintain the similar stand with adopting cautious and restrained monetary stance and ensuring adequacy of credit growth, but avoiding excessive monetary expansion, said a BB official.

News:Daily Sun/10-Jan-2016
Posted in Banking, News
