BB set to unveil MPS today

Posted by BankInfo on Thu, Jan 29 2015 02:37 pm

After rescheduling twice, Bangladesh Bank (BB) is now set to unveil today its flagship monetary policy statement (MPS) for the rest six months of the current 2014-15 financial, reports BSS.
Like previous years, the governor will announce the MPS at a press conference at the central bank headquarters in the capital at 2 pm. The central bank's chief economist Biru Paksha Paul earlier told the news agency that the MPS would be announced on January 29, but the schedule was changed to January 28 before re-fixing it to its original schedule.
While announcing the MPS for the first half of the current 2014-15 financial year (FY15) on July 26 last year, the governor was cushioned with the already restored political, economic and social stability by the newly elected government under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 
The current macro-economic situation has so far remained largely favourable to BB for announcing a monetary policy stance in line with the previous ones. The rate of inflation, which is the major objective of the BB's policy stance, came down to 25-month low at 6.11 per cent in December, very close the target, set out in the last MPS. The last MPS targeted bringing the average inflation down to 6.5 per cent by June 2015, with ensuring that credit supply to private sector stimulates inclusive economic growth. 
The emerging downside risks from the ongoing political violence, however, warrant a contingency plan from Rahman who was recently honoured with the prestigious "Central Banker of the Year 2015" for the Asia-Pacific region by the London-based magazine The Banker.
The governor already pointed out the downside risk factors on different occasions. He told a conference of the BB's general managers on Sunday that the political violence would hinder the economic progress. He said the political trouble began when the investment trend was regaining, with import-export, remittance and foreign exchange reserve surging coupled with low rate of inflation.
Despite the recent risk factors, the governor will be comforted by the strong trend in the economy, which already achieved a 6.12 per cent growth rate against all political odds when the per capita income rose from $1044 in 2013-14 financial year (FY14) to $1190 in FY15.
In the last MPS, BB expected 6.2 to 6.5 per cent growth of GDP (gross domestic product) in the end of FY15 provided that there would be no disruption to the economy.

News:The Independent/29-Jan-2015
Posted in Banking
