Banks, FIs to submit e-banking, e-commerce return through RIT

Posted by BankInfo on Mon, May 19 2014 12:00 pm

The Statistics Department of Bangladesh Bank is going to include the e-commerce and e-banking data of the banks and financial institutions of the country at its monthly booklet “Monthly Economic Trends.”

The banks and financial institutions have been requested to send quarterly e-banking and e-commerce return through RIT regularly from June next to the department through BB web portal by 15th of every month, said a Bangladesh Bank press release.

Statistics Department of Bangladesh Bank collects data from the financial and non-financial institutions and compiles those and prepares some important macro-economic indicators regularly.

The monthly booklet “Monthly Economic Trends” compiled and published by the department. It comprises very useful information used in formulation of monetary policy of the country and are also used by users with high demand for analytical purpose, the release said.

Mentionable, the RIT related to this return can be downloaded from Bangladesh Bank website or it also canbe collected from the Economic Trends Section of the department.

News: Daily Sun/19-May-2014
Posted in Banking, News
