Aminul Islam, Deputy Managing Director of Bank Asia, poses with the participants of a training course

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Oct 17 2012 07:27 am

Aminul Islam, Deputy Managing Director of Bank Asia, poses with the participants of a training course on credit management for its 7th batch of management trainees after handing over certificates at the Bank’s Training Institute in Dhaka Tuesday.

News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/17th-Oct-12

Social Islami Bank opens branch in Dhaka

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Oct 17 2012 07:22 am

Major (Retd) Dr Md Rezaul Haque, former chairman of SIBL, inaugurates a branch at Badda in Dhaka Tuesday.

Social Islami Bank Limited (SIBL) opened its 82nd branch at Badda in Dhaka Tuesday.

Major (Retd) Dr Md Rezaul Haque, former chairman of the bank, inaugurated the branch as the chief guest, said a press release.

Muhammed Ali, Managing Director of SIBL, presided over the programme. Md Mohashin Miah, Deputy Managing Director, senior executives of the bank, local businessmen and customers of the bank attended the function.

News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/17th-Oct-12

LatAm women study more, earn less than men: IDB

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Oct 17 2012 07:19 am

 LIMA: Although women in Latin America and the Caribbean are better educated, they earn less than men, according to an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) study released on Monday.

The report, entitled "New Century, Old Disparities," compared men and women in the same age groups and with similar educational levels, and concluded that men earn an average 17 per cent more than women.

While the gender wage gap has been shrinking in recent years, down from 25 per cent to 17 per cent between 1992 and 2007, "the process of closing this gap has been very slow," mostly due to "misguided stereotypes," said the study's author Hugo Nopo.

Early in childhood, these stereotypes discourage women from pursuing a wide range of better-paid jobs and encourage them to opt for jobs in lower-paid fields, such as teaching, healthcare and the service sector, the study said.

News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/17th-Oct-12

BB raises coal import dealing limit to $7,500

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Oct 17 2012 07:16 am

Bangladesh Bank (BB) authority Tuesday raised transaction ceiling for importing coal worth up to $7,500 by relaxing the rules of foreign-exchange transactions to facilitate coal imports.

“The latest ceiling for coal import has been set at $ 7,500 (Tk 6.15 lakh), a circular of the Foreign Exchange Policy Department (FEPD) of the central bank Tuesday said. Earlier, the ceiling was $6,000 (Tk 4.92 lakh).

All authorised dealers of banks were directed to implement the latest circular immediately.

News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/17th-Oct-12

ADB pledges Tk 8b for drilling four Titas Gas wellsTwo processing plants also to be set up under the funding

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Oct 17 2012 07:08 am

The Asian Development Bank promised Tk 8.10 billion for drilling four wells and installing two processing plants at Titas Gas Field, said a senior official of Petrobangla.

He said as the drilling of four wells- 23, 24, 25 and 26 and installation of two processing plants will require Tk 10 billion, the government will bear the remaining Tk 1.90 billion.

Petrobangla has reserved all the onshore blocks for state-owned companies. But due to pressure from International oil companies, PetroBangla now invites them to drill wells in onshore blocks under contractual basis instead of awarding the work under model production sharing contract. ADB also tagged a bar to drill ADB-funded project by state-owned Bapex.

Petrobangla chairman Prof Hossain Mansur Monday said tender will be called soon for drilling the wells. “We will float tender soon to invite foreign companies for drilling the wells,” he said.

As per Petrobangla roadmap, Bangladesh Gas Field Company Limited (BGFCL) aims to drill Titas wells 23 and 24 between January and December next year to produce 60 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) gas. BGFCL also plans to drill two more wells 25 and 26 by foreign companies between January and December 2015 to extract another 60 mmcfd gas.

Installation of two gas processing plants having production capacity 75 mmcfd each will cost Tk 1.5 billion.

Petrobangla Monday declared that it will invite bid immediately to explore gas after getting positive reserve estimation at the country’s potential gas field.

BAPEX in its latest findings estimated that Titas Gas field has more gas reserve than anticipated as the total recoverable gas at the field now stands at 5635 billion cubic feet (bcf), rising by 573.4bcf.

The field now has a reserve of 2195 bcf of recoverable gas (proven and probable or P2) after lifting 3440 bcf gas till August this year, Petrobangla chairman said.

“Titas field is one of the largest gas reserves in the subcontinent,” he claimed.

Prof Mansur said Petrobangla has initiated to dig 11 fresh wells to explore oil and gas in the potential gas field.

News: The Daily Sun/Bangladesh/17th-Oct-12

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