Premier Bank-DESCO inks online electricity bill collection agreement

Posted by BankInfo on Fri, Sep 11 2015 11:12 am

The Premier Bank Ltd. and Dhaka Electricity Supply Company Limited (DESCO) signed an agreement on online collection of electricity bills on Thursday. 

Dewan Anwarul Latif, Deputy Managing Director (Business) of Premier Bank Ltd. and Engr. Zulfiquar Tahmid, Company Secretary of DESCO signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations at The Premier Bank Limited, Head Office. 

Khondker Fazle Rashid, Managing Director & CEO, Ehsan Khasru, Advisor, M Reazul Karim, Additional Managing Director, S.M. Jaffar, Deputy Managing Director (CRM, Recovery & Legal), Arif Quadri, Deputy Managing Director & COO, Syed Nowsher Ali, Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) &   Mohammed Emtiaz Uddin, Head of Corporate Banking Division of The Premier Bank Ltd. and AKM Mostafa Kamal - Executive Director(Procurement) & Managing Director (Additional Charge), Md Rafi Uddin, Executive Director (Finance & Accounts), Engr. Noor Mohammad, Executive Director(Operation), Md Abdullah Al Masud Chowdhury, Deputy Secretary and Executive Director (Admin) and Mohammad Abu Yousf, Manager (Banking) of DESCO along with other higher officials of both the organizations were present on the occasion.

Under the agreement, subscribers of DESCO can pay their electricity bills to any branches of The Premier Bank Ltd. from anywhere in the country through online service system.

News:Daily Star/11-Sep-2015

RAKUB committed to making services farmers- friendly

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 09 2015 03:42 pm

RAJSHAHI, Sept 8 (BSS):  Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) is committed and devoted to reach its services at the doorsteps of the farmers in general for elevating their living and livelihood conditions.

 The bank would work for bringing all the existing agricultural potential sectors and sub-sectors under qualitative and quantitative investments for making the region's agro-based economy more vibrant.

Board of Directors of the bank made these commitments in 432nd meeting held at its board room here on Monday with Chairman Prof Dr Shah Nawaz Ali in the chair, RAKUB sources here said Tuesday.

RAKUB, headquartered in Rajshahi, has been operating its banking activities as the largest development partner in all 16 northwest districts of Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions targetting its agricultural sector and all its sub-sectors.

The meeting noted that the bank's administrative and operational activities must be transparent and accountable alongside farmers-friendly for boosting agricultural production.

News:Financial Express/9-Sep-2015

BB asks banks not open LCs for crude salt import

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 09 2015 03:29 pm

Bangladesh Bank on Tuesday asked banks not to open any new letter of credit for import of crude salt as the import of the item crossed the government-set limit. The office of chief controller of import and export in a letter on Sunday informed the central bank that the government had issued a public notice to allow import of 1 lakh tonnes of crude oil and different businesses establishments imported more than the government-set limit. After getting the letter, BB in a circular on Tuesday asked banks not to open new LC for importing crude salt. 

News:New Age/9-Sep-2015

BB asks NGOs to form units to check money laundering

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 09 2015 03:22 pm

The Bangladesh Bank on Tuesday issued a directive for the non-governmental organisations asking those to establish complacence units to prevent money laundering and terror financing. The directive said all NGOs would have to establish a central complacence unit in their head offices and that would have to be under direct supervision of the chief executive officers of the respective organisations. It also said the NGOs would have to keep record of their beneficiary and transactions at least for five years for those who either received Tk 20,000 as grant in a year or who received Tk 1,00,000 as loan under microcredit schemes. The BB directive also said the NGOs would have to use banking channel for transaction of Tk 1,00,000 or above, otherwise, they would have to take permission from their own regulator. The NGOs should prioritise transactions through banks as much as possible. The NGOs cannot receive donation from any person or entity that have been listed by the UN Security Council or Bangladesh government for terror financing, it also said. The BB directive said the foreign branches of the local NGOs would have to maintain their bank accounts with approval of the principle organisations and principle organisations would have to keep the records. The local NGOs cannot send aid to the foreign NGOs which are not registered in their respective countries. In case of a foreign NGOs which are registered in their respective countries but not under government supervision, the local NGOs will have to perform enhanced due diligence. The BB directive said when receiving foreign fund the local NGOs would have to take clearance from their regulator and would have to enhance due diligence when receiving fund from high-risk listed countries.

News:New Age/9-Sep-2015

Concluding ceremony of the Foundation Training held at Union Bank

Posted by BankInfo on Wed, Sep 09 2015 03:12 pm

Union Bank Training Institute organised a concluding ceremony for the 15-day long Foundation Training Course on Monday (September 7).

SM Aminur Rahman, Hon’able Advisor of Union Bank was present as chief guest while Syed Abdullah Mohammed Saleh Hon’able Managing Director (CC), SAM Salimullah and A.B.M Mokammel Hoque Chowdhury Hon’able DMDs were present as special guest.

The program was presided over by Md. Hedayet Ullah, Head of Institute.

News:Daily Sun/9-Sep-2015
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